Monday, June 22, 2009

From Rabuk Bay to Angler Resort

Fishing-fishing...then eating-eating time @ rasuah ahaksssssss...

The mastermind hallo2...Din and Shah follow Dee to Rabuk Bay.
Bring some fish race race to cook our menu

GTti masak steam...

SeaBass@KeliAprika masak 3 rasa...

Karapu@T-Rex masak pedas@spicy...

Then after 30~45 minutes waiting.....

Shah's Family...

Dee's Family

Din...still eating...sedap ke Din hehehe

Hand of budak asal balik dapat hehehe...

So we finished the dinner around 10.30pm...then go back la...
Every one tired and full stomach hehehe...sleep waiting for
sunrise tomorrow 5.30am...2nd agenda Anglers Resort.
As promise...Dee, Shah and Din continue their agenda to casting Siakap Liar,
Jenahak Liar, Karapu Liar...etc.But unfortunately that morning heavy rainy
and strong we cannot casting due sea wave 6 metres high hehehe...
Din with his action like strike 5kelo fish hehehe...

Shah also but this time 10kelo hehehe...

Dee...main baling2~tarik2 ajer...
Make short story, this complot is fail due maybe the sea water not circulate
or the water not enough salt or there is no fish we return home
at around 11.30am...opsss Din only hehehe. Dee and Shah continue to find
the mistery...crazy Angler go to Laut Bearing (Jugra) due their parkinson
very dangerous...finally their success to catches 2 ekor Jenahak...
The End


  1. caya la Dee....akhir nyer keluar gak blog ni.....

    bros a.k.a joki

  2. gaya mcm nepal je mamat tgh casting tu...

    anak cine sepet....
